Understanding Your Newborn
Since newborns don't come with an owner's manual, consider attending our two-hour "Understanding Your Newborn”class in person. We will cover essential information on caring for your baby in the first six weeks…..things like what behavior to expect from your newborn, understanding crying and comforting, feeding, bathing, diapering, how to keep your baby safe and healthy, and when you should call the doctor. This interactive class helps parents through the transition from hospital to life at home.
For In-Person class:Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital Center for Women and Babies
Room: Hough Conference Room
550 6th Street South,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Linda CaigerAudience:
Please enroll expectant mothers ONLY. Partners/spouses are encouraged to attend but do not need to be registered.Public Transportation:
NoHandicap Access:
NoCancellation Policy:
Please call (727) 220-5011 to cancel if unable to attend.
Please click on a date below to register for your desired class.