Understanding Birth Class
This is an in-person class with limited seating for 8 couples. This class will provide expectant parents with basic understanding of the birth process, labor options, pain control, cesarean birth, and postpartum expectations. Class includes the “Understanding Birth” booklet with access to an app that provides videos, checklists, weblinks, and other helpful tools to assist you in the birth process. Be sure to wear appropriate and comfy clothes to practice birthing positions.
For In-Person class:Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital Center for Women and Babies
Room: Hough Conference Room
550 6th Street South,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Linda CaigerAudience:
Please enroll expectant mothers ONLY. Partners/spouses are encouraged to attend but do not need to be registered.Day of Week:
SundayPublic Transportation:
NoHandicap Access:
NoInclement Weather Policy:
The hospital reserves the right to waive part or all course fees if inclement weather patterns result in the cancellation of the course. The level of refund given to enrollees, if any, will be determined by the number of class hours attended by each enrollee.Note:
Please wear comfortable clothes for practicing positioning and breathing exercises and also bring snacks and drinks for your breaks.
Cancellation Policy:
Please call (727) 220-5011 to cancel if unable to attend.
Please click on a date below to register for your desired class.